專題文章:The new generation 4pots caliper
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The new color ''Metallic Grenn'' is coming.
JBT SP4P_ 新大四卡鉗
最新一代大四卡鉗,導入了年輕新穎的新色,鋼鐵綠! 不管從任何角度及光線,顏色的呈現皆不同,唯獨JBT的綠。
可對應任何車種 :
17’’ 配330mm浮動盤。
18’’ 配355mm浮動盤。
JBT SP4P_ New 4pots Caliper.
We have added the new innovative color ‘’Metallic Green’’ to our new generation 4pots caliper ‘’SP4P’’.
It can emerge difference color by difference angles and lights. Only JBT ‘’Metallic Green’’ can do that.